Friday, October 29, 2010

As I promised

Ok as I promised
new crop peas growing on old okra

carrots just sprouting

radishes freshed picked

radish bed
small bucket is basil

Fall gardens

OK well fall is hear (FINALY YAHHHHHHH)
got my didgital cam back from repair "thay gave me a new one " even better than the old one sent in.
will start up loading picts as soon as i can roust my hide from this hear chair.
got some radishes from the garden yesterday "film at eleven " carets comming up slowely and lettice comming along.
more later


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

OK EVERY BODY second crop is in and sprouting
We will be showing pictures later and hope to start a cold frame soon
looks like peas around okra stalks will work so pictures later